Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Dream`s of an Aspiring Author

The Dream`s of an Aspiring Author

`The Work`s`-A Writer`s Heaven

Okay so a few weeks ago I was browsing in `The Works`, a shop that sells lots of bits and bobs from craft products to sweets and books. I tend to spend quite a lot of time in there browsing the books, probably more than I do WHSmiths, maybe because they`re cheaper. No offence to WHSmiths because I love you all the same but there`s something about The Works that I love.

Anyway this not so particular day I was browsing the book shelves and the cover of a book called `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually` caught my eye.

You can probably see why looking at the cover. I picked it up and read the blurb and completely fell in love. For those who know me you will probably say that book pretty much summed me up purely from the first sentence.

"Scarlett loves the movies – they’re just so much more exciting and romantic than her own mundane life mending popcorn machines and living with her DIY obsessed fiancĂ© David. So when everyone keeps telling her she needs to stop day-dreaming her life away in Johnny Depp & Brad Pitt’s arms, and settle down and get on with real life, Scarlett decides to prove them all wrong.
When she’s given the chance to house-sit in Notting Hill for a month, Scarlett thinks this will be her ideal opportunity to prove her family wrong about the movies. But she quickly finds the real Notting Hill is nothing like the celluloid version, and after she meets her new neighbour - the cool, confident, but movie-hating Sean, Scarlett starts to realise this challenge might be trickier than she first thought.
Every day Scarlett tries - usually unsuccessfully - to place herself in as many movie scenes as she can. But it’s when she’s least expecting it that she finds a link to one of her favourites…and it’s then that she discovers so much more than the fairytale ending she’s always dreamed of."
Take Me Back to the 1920s
So yeah, needless to say I picked it up and bought it along with two other books `Manhatten` a story about three girls living in the city of New York and `A Paris Wife` a book I had been looking at and kept going back to everytime I went into `The Works` about a women who falls in love with 1920s author Ernest Heminghway. Now since I watched Midnight in Paris, all those months ago, before that infact, probably since the end of primary school when I first watched Bugsy Malone i`ve loved the 1920s period. I swear I was sometimes born in the wrong time period, my tweets amonst those fangirling ones about how hot I think Tom Hiddleston is are mainly about how I wish someone could just take me back the 1920s. There`s something about that period I love. Maybe the clothes, the music, the city of Paris especially just appeals.
Anyway I`m getting back off track again, I apoloigse.
`From Notting Hill with Love..Actually` A Film Fan`s Dream
The next day I sat on the sofa reasonably earlier that morning with a hot chocolate and the first book in my pile I just bought. `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually` let me tell you from that first page I was hooked. I couldn`t put it down. I think the only times I put it down were to go to the loo and then when I ate dinner. It was so gripping and so good and my type of story and the characters and plot were so belivable and so like myself that I wanted to keep reading and find out what happened next.
I think it was pretty ironic that it mentioned references to loads of my favourtie movies, the obvious Notting Hill and Love Actually(hence the book title), Brief Encounter, Sleepless in Seatle. The list goes on. Also featuring some of my favourtite actors and actress, Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet and Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley.
I got so excited everytime I read a reference that mum asked me if I was sure I didnt write it. I wish I thought. It was a book I could really relate to. It really was such a good book, especially as by midnight that night I had finished it and come to the end of Scarlett`s adventure. I was kind of sad to see it end but I recently found out there was a sequel called `From Notting Hill to New York..Actually` which again I think will be up my street especially as it features the same characters and in one of my favourite cities I LONG to visit New York! which I ordered yesterday and should be with me on Valentine`s Day! I know how I plan on spending my Valentine`s Day, after hopefully seeing the re release of Moulin Rouge ofcourse.
The love of Twitter!
Twitter. Some people love it, some people hate it and can`t seem to get on with it. Twitter is just like the social networking site substitute for Marmite. I personally love it. Both Twitter and Marmite that is. Although I like my toast covered in Marmite and my Twitter in photos of Tom Hiddleston and a fangirl mess of Pixie Lott and Downton Abbey.
Twitter isn`t just for fangirling however, it is also for interacting with celebrities of your favourite TV shows and films. I have been very lucky on the numerous occasion of getting countless tweets from the cast of Downton Abbey including one that wished me luck on a presentation I did about the show for a college assignment.
It can also be helpful in making contacts and speaking to people within the industry you wish to work in. Amongst the fans of Tom Hiddleston(Hiddlestoners), Pixie Lott(Crazy Cats) and Downton Abbey(Downtonians) I also follow people related to the industry(s) I wish to work in. In my case journalists and authors who I sometimes tweet and ask advice from about how to get into the industries.
Only after reading `The I Heart Series` by Lindsey Keilk did I realise that famous authors who are published had Twitter accounts too. I followed her and got some lovely tweets from her about how she began writing etc which was lovely.
Since reading `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually` a few weeks back I realised that the author of such an amazing book Ali McNamara was infact on Twitter too. I immediately followed her and tweeted her throughout whilst reading the book and again once I finished to give her my final verdict about how amazing it was and how much I related and loved the character of Scarlett.
She was very sweet and replied to me quite a few times after I asked a few questions about writing etc. I asked her how she got in to writing and she replied telling me to look at her blog and website where I would find everything about her-which I did and have been doing for the past 4 hours.
You Never Know Where Fanfiction Will Take You
I found out that she began writing fanfictions on Ronan Keating`s official website which I found quite ironic considering I write fanfiction myself, of the Tom Hiddleston kind however which people seem to enjoy, especially a specific fanfiction called one `Moving House` which was the first fanfiction I ever wrote and am still writing. Out of the many one shots and other chapter fics I`ve written that one has had the most praise and loveliest comments and is probably the one i`m most proud of and one I can relate to most, especially as it is completely autiobiographical and completely based on me-like most of my characters are.
Ali McNamara`s blog posts about how she got started with writing and when she found out `From Notting Hill with Love...Actually was going to be published can be found below:
What with the release of the popular franchise The Fify Shades Triology which was orginally based on a Twilight Fanfiction you really never know where fanfiction can or will take you.  It can take you to the extrodinary place of one day possibly being published or the other about the actor you`re writing about being very freaked out(which is what I think Tom would be if he ever found mine, or any of the other fanfiction written about him).
Anyway, I guess from this post what I`m saying is you never know where any writing, even fanfiction can take you. I look forward to seeing where my writing, fanfiction or not, will take me in the future.
For those who have been inspired by this post or want to check out the books by Ali McNamara or find out more about her and her stories you can either check out her website or follow her on Twitter @AliMcNamara
Also if you wanted to follow me on Twitter or get in contact with me you can at @PontinEmily or email me at

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Revisiting Old Ideas

Revisiting Old Ideas:


I find I read quite a lot of books and different pieces of writing, watch alot of films and write lots of different things.

My most recent writing ideas being those around the actor Tom Hiddleston-fanfiction.

I have great fun writing them don`t get me wrong and am in the middle of working on two chapter multichapter stories both of which I posted yesterday-well what I have so far anyway.

Moving House-A story based on a dream about one of my old school friends moving house. The main character(based on myself) meeting Tom through her friend Amy who she has known for years and who at the time the story is set is Moving House, hence the title of the story. The main character, Emily(yes, i know a little cliche to name a character after yourself but sometimes it`s easier. The miracle of editing and rewriting is that you can go back and rename characters afterwards.) Anyway Emily meets Tom during this time and they form a relationship.

Love Rekindled-Based on Tom being reunited with his first love, Sophie at the premiere of Thor 2 where she is a journalist and she has to interview him. The story goes back in time between September 2001 where they met at university to the present day and how their relationship is reformed and their Love Rekindled.

* * *

Research-New Notebook

I have also found recently that my notebook I use for my writing has turned into a bit of a jumble with nothing being in order. It`s a load of notes,ideas,stories and reviews all in different places within the book.

My mum bought me a new notebook for Christmas with a note which read `Use Wisely` on the front.

I feel with it being a New Year that it will be used purely for research purposes as my notebook I had been using had random notes about places and things I wanted to feature in my Moving House fanfiction. Wedding venues for Amy`s wedding, outfit ideas for each character, outlines of where I want the story to go etc.

These ideas and character descriptions I wrote in my previous notebook have now been transferred over.

A few years back I also got given an Audrey Hepburn Notebook which for some reason I haven`t used, probably because it`s too pretty and special to be written in. I think now it`s time for it to be bought out and used to write my film reviews for `The People`s Movies` blog I write for.

* * *

Revisiting Old Ideas

Okay so now the reason for this post really. Whilst in college I was set the assignment of writing, recording and editing my very own Radio Play. For some reason the idea of a play being set based around an affair or in the era of black and white movies or the 1920s really appealed to me. Maybe because I had recently spent most of my time watching films such as The End of the Affair and The English Patient. Blame Ralph Fiennes. I went through a phase, still going through it if i`m completely honest, even if he is old enough to be my dad. I`m not the only one who goes for older actor it seems, just check with any fangirl of Tom Hiddleston, James McAvoy or any other English gent. We`ll hopefully all tell you the same and admit it. I hope.

Anway- back to the topic in hand here. Sorry I tend to babble and write a load of nonsence so if you don`t read to the end of this post because you got bored of my drabbles and ramblings about Ralph Fieness and Tom Hiddleston when really this is a blog for my writing, I sincerely apologise.

So my tutor for this particular unit, Nick Day called us up one by one to discuss our ideas. I told him I was fascinated with and enjoyed black and white movies and had the idea of basing a play around an affair or something along those lines, I can`t remember my exact ideas but anyway he said they were good and if I wanted to get the idea of the language I needed to watch a film called `Brief Encounter`. At the time I knew nothing about it and now I wonder why the hell not, it`s now one of my favourite movies. He told me a bit about it, giving me a basic plot outline and after that chat I got straight to work and by the end of that less I had a basic synopsis, character profiles and beginnings of a script, which I thought was pretty good.

Nick thought different however and when I next had that lesson I came out of it a bit annoyed and upset as he pretty much scribbled all over it with different suggestions as though he wanted to write it. Looking back now however, I can see why he did it as it improved with every lesson forming into a real radio script layout with sound effects etc.

* * *

Creative Writing Course

Also during this time on the Wednesday`s of my day off from college I enrolled on a five week creative writing course down Dover Library. They were a great five weeks spent with different people of all different ages. In those five weeks I was inspired and enjoyed listening to all the different stories that were told. An interesting bunch of people who I miss.

During this five week course we were set the task of writing a five minute play to be performed by local actors at the end of the course. I went along with the same ideas I had for my college assignment. They again suggested that I needed to watch Brief Encounter to discover the difference in language etc.

* * *

Brief Encounter

That weekend, whilst in Folkestone browsing HMV(one of my favourite shops) I stumbled upon a copy of the film Brief Encounter starring Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard for only £5. I bought it to see what all the fuss was about, boy am I glad I did. It`s such a great film. Those of you who moan about black and white movies and how they don`t compare to films nowadays should just give it a try. Hopefully you won`t be dissapointed, if you are then I`ll take full blame.

For those who don`t know Brief Encounter is black and white film starring Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard about two characters who meet in a train station cafe. Both are married but they meet every Thursday and go to the cinema before getting on the train back to their family.

Once I watched it, it was then that the final idea clicked. Before watching it my mind was all over the place with ideas about where to go with etc. After watching it however, the idea came to me. Why not base the play on a girl at college who is obsessed and in love with black and white movies, especially Brief Encounter, Casablanca and those of Audrey Hepburn who has her own `Brief Encounter` with a boy she meets at a train station? There`s the idea. Now to expand.

* * *

The Meeting, A Sequel and A Dream

I expanded it by basing it on myself, yet again(I tend to do that alot) and my college friends, Hannah and Lucy. A typical story of time at college with the twist of the romance at a railway station. Since beginning the radio play it has since been turned into the beginnings of a screenplay and a story.

At the moment it is being focused on as a story however I had the idea of writing a sequel to it called `A Dream` which I also posted the beginnings of yesterday where Emily and her friend Lucy go to New York. At the end of The Meeting, Michael, the boy in the story who Emily has a relationship with, gets back together with his girlfriend Sarah leaving Emily alone and heartbroken.

A while ago I wrote the idea for a sequel before I came up with the idea of `A Dream` about Emily discovering she was pregnant with Michael`s child and her decision of choosing between whether or not to keep the baby or go to university and have a career like she orginally planned.

Then came the idea for `A Dream` which was orginally meant to just be about Emily and Lucy`s adventure to New York and the trip they had been planning for years but then I thought that I could encorporate Michael into the story and make it into a triolgy of stories or books whatever you want to call them by Lucy setting up with Michael`s friend Mark for all four of them to all be in New York at the same time and meet up outside Tiffany`s to see if they can make their relationship work.

What do you all think of these ideas? Let me know and stay tuned to find out more and see where it goes.

Sorry for all the drabbles and random post about my writing. Sorry if I have bored you I just had to get these words down and I thought why not write a post about it. Anyway feel free to get back to what you were doing before you read or stumbled upon this blog or post.




Monday 28 January 2013

Woman in a Dressing Gown

Woman in a Dressing Gown DVD Review






















Remastered and rereleased to DVD with cast interviews and theretical trailer Woman in a Dressing Gown tells the story of Amy (Yvonne Mitchell) a housewife who seems to no do anything right-she burns the breakfast, fails to tidy the house and doesn’t seem to get dressed and instead stays in her dressing gown for the majority of the film.


I know what you’re thinking. Now wonder Amy’s husband Jim (Anthony Quayle) is thinking about leaving her for young, tidy secretary Georgie (Sylvia Simms). When Amy finds out about his affair she tries her best to tidy up and be a better housewife to the point where she goes and gets her hair done only for the rain to ruin it.


A typical story of the time period, I was excited to see this movie being a fan of such movies once id seen Brief Encounter. The problem was however that I found myself comparing Woman in a Dressing Gown with Brief Encounter. Whether that was because it was set in the same time period with the use of the story or language I do not know.


What I do know however, is that both Yvonne Mitchell and Anthony Quayle give believable and in a way relatable performances as Amy and Jim in which both men and women can relate to.


Rating: PG


UK Release Date: 13th August 2012


Cast: Yvonne Mitchell, Anthony Quayle, Sylvia Simms


Directed By: J Lee Thompson



What to Expect when you`re Expecting

What to Expect when you’re Expecting Review















From director Kirk Jones (Nanny McPhee) comes `What to Expect when you’re Expecting`, a film based on the book of the same name by Heidi Murkiff.


The film stars some of America’s finest talent including Matthew Morrison (Glee), Cameron Diaz (The Holiday), Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl), Jennifer Lopez (The Back Up Plan) and Anna Kendrick (Twilight) as well as a cameo appearance from Cheryl Cole and follows the lives of five couples all expecting babies and explores the theme of no matter what you plan for, the unexpected things in life, still affect us.


Aimed mainly at an adult audience than teenagers due to the storyline, this isn’t however, a film that teenagers shouldn’t watch because if they did watch it they may sympathise with Chace Crawford and Anna Kendrick’s characters, Marco and Rosie.


A bit predictable to say the least but worth a watch for the great American talent, especially Matthew Morrison and Chace Crawford.


Rating: 12


UK Release Date: 22nd October 2012


Cast: Matthew Morrison, Chace Crawford, Anna Kendrick, Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz


Directed by: Kirk Jones



Emily Pontin


2/5 stars


Top 5 Films In Which Guys Get Their Kit Off!

Top 5 Films In Which Guys Get Their Kit Off!




















Starring some very hot young male actors including the likes of Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey and Alex Pettyfer Magic Mike tells the story of Mike(Channing Tatum), a male stripper who teaches Adam(Alex Pettyfer), a young performer how to make easy money and how to pick up women and party.


Why hire a male stripper for a hen party when you can get Channing Tatum stripping for half the price, every females dream!


To celebrate the release of Magic Mike in cinemas this Friday, The People’s Movies takes a look at the Top 5 films in which guys strip and get their kit off -and there are a few I can tell you!




1. Crazy, Stupid, Love


At number one on the list, last years film of the year for me. When Cal`s wife asks him for a divorce, his life turns upside down but with new friends Jacob’s help he soon rediscovers himself and learns how to pick up girls in bars.


Ryan Gosling stripping infront of Emma Stone, any girl would love that, everyone except Emma Stone’s character, Hannah who stands there in shock and comes out with the line `Seriously? It’s like your photoshopped! `


2. Friends with Benefits


Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis star in this romantic comedy about whether you can have sex without the complications that go with a relationship.


The iconic scene in this film is the conversation Dylan and Jamie have before having sex, `lets play tennis` Dylan states bluntly. They both swear on `the bible app` to not have a relationship, telling each other what they like and don’t like during sex Dylan then strips and says `Yeah, I can work with that` and Jamie says `should be fine`




   3. Twilight: New Moon 


The story of Bella, a normal teenager and a love triangle     between herself, vampire Edward and werewolf Jacob.


The scene in which Jacob rips his shirt off to turn into a werewolf made audiences sit gauping at the screen and made the `Twihards` decide whether they were `Team Edward` or `Team Jacob`.






   4. The Full Monty


Ofcourse this had to be in there! The Full Monty tells the story of six unemployed steelworkers who form a striptease act.


The iconic end scene where they perform the strip routine they have been working on throughout the movie. Although not all the characters are considered `attractive` this film proves that no matter what you look like, you can do anything you set you mind too and still be classed as `sexy`.






5. John Tucker Must Die


A fun chick flick about three who get even with John Tucker who once dated all of them, using the new girl at school to do it.


The hotel scene in this film particularly stands out as you see Jesse Metcalfe in just a red thong.





The list could go on but those were just a few of our favourites. If this hasn’t got you in the mood to go and see Magic Mike, I don’t know what will. Maybe the fact you’ll get to see Channing Tatum, Alex Pettifer and Matthew McConaughy strip?

The Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn Part 2

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 Review



Avid Twihards patiently waited a year for the second part of the final instalment of the Twilight franchise Breaking Dawn Part 2.


The first part ended with human Bella (Kristen Stewart) giving birth to her and vampire Edwards’s(Robert Pattinson) daughter Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy) and Bella being turned into a vampire.


The second part of the last ever Twilight film follows Bella as she gets used to becoming a vampire, realising her strengths and her and Edward protecting Renesmee from the Volturi after werewolf and friend of Bella, Jacob(Taylor Lautner) imprinted on her in the first part of Breaking Dawn.


The Cullen’s call upon distant family members to try and protect Renesmee against the Volturi concluding in an epic battle with a huge twist.


Definitely the best film of the series, tissues may be needed.



Rating: 12


UK Release Date: 16th November 2012


Cast: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Green, Lee Pace, Peter Fascinelli


Directed by: Bill Condon



Emily Pontin


5/5 stars


The Sound of Music Family Scrapbook

The Sound of Music Family Scrapbook
























Fans of the 1964 movie musical The Sound of Music, the film that made big names of Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer and had audiences singing along to some of Roger and Hammerstein’s classic songs including `My Favourite Things`, `Do Re Mi`, `Sixteen going on Seventeen` and title song `The Sound of Music` will certainly want to get their hands on the beautiful piece of memorabilia that is The Sound of Music Family Scrapbook.


Featuring never before seen photos and collectables from cast members Charmian Carr(Liesl), Nicholas Hammond(Friedrich), Heather Menzies(Louisa), Duane Chase(Kurt), Angela Cartwright(Brigitta), Debbie Turner(Marta) and Kim Karath(Gretl) as well as a DVD of unseen home footage while filming in Salzburg, a page of the shooting script, original poster from The Fox Movie, Extracts from an autograph book made by two of the children and letters from the children to their families.


This colourful, beautifully presented scrapbook gives you a real insight into what it was like for the cast and crew in the summer of 1964 filming one of the most loved films of all time. From the children’s auditions, to filming in Salzburg, the release of the film to their 35th anniversary of the film and beyond, a real treasure of memorabilia to keep forever.


To celebrate the release of `The Sound of Music Family Scrapbook` there will be a sing along night at the Prince Charles cinema in London on 21st September 2012. More information can be found at


The Sound of Music Family Scrapbook is available from all good book stores and Amazon from 21st September 2012.

The Hollow Crown

The Hollow Crown DVD Review


















At school everyone moaned when they got told they had to study Shakespeare because they didn’t understand the language or found it boring, I was unfortunately one of them. however back in the summer of this year when I found out that the BBC was airing remakes of some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays featuring Tom Hiddleston, I done a little bit more than jumping for joy. Being a fan of his and finding Shakespeare easier to understand when he portrays such roles I was excited.


The Hollow Crown is a series of feature length films of some of Shakespeare’s famous plays including Richard II, Henry IV Part 1 & 2 and Henry V plays of politics, family and power.


The series was aired as part of The Cultural Olympiad for London 2012 Fest and featured some of Britain’s most famous Shakespearean actors of all time including Ben Whishaw, Jeremy Irons and Tom Hiddleston as they three things with support roles from Maxine Peake Julie Walters and Rory Kinnear.


And now from 1st October it’s your chance to relieve some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays of power, corruption and greed from the comfort of your own home.


The series began with Richard II portrayed by Ben Whishaw as the self indulgent man who reigns with no care as to his peoples welfare and who gets overthrown by his cousin Bolingbroke(Rory Kinnear) who later becomes King Henry IV(Jeremy Irons).


When he becomes king however, he feels guilty over the Civil War and Richard’s death and it doesn’t help that his son Prince Hal (Tom Hiddleston) who later portrays Henry V is a constant trouble maker who couldn’t care less about becoming king and who cares more about getting drunk and having fun.


Tom Hiddleston does a superb job as the cheeky care free Prince Hal doing a brilliant impression of Henry IV. There is also a scene in which Hal has a conversation with his friend Falstaff in a sauna with them both topless which is bound to make all the women swoon!


After a telling off from his father and being told he will become King when his father dies, he starts to get his act together. When he later becomes Henry V he is left to bury his fathers past whilst fighting his own battles.


Henry V is probably the most famous Shakespeare play and features the `Once Under the Breach` monologue, one of the most famous monologues to date aswell as the scene in which Henry woos Catherine. As both Prince Hal and Henry V Tom Hiddleston does a superb job making every woman wish it was them he was wooing.


Directed by Rupert Goold, Richard Eyre and Thea Sharrock, The Hollow Crown is definitely worth a watch for the superb acting of some of the most famous British Shakespearean actors of all time alone, if not for the acting for the beautiful cinematography, costume, language and getting to see Tom Hiddleston in both leather and topless.


Rating: 12


UK Release Date: 1st October 2012


Cast: Ben Whishaw, Jeremy Irons, Tom Hiddleston, Maxine Peake, Rory Kinnear


Directed by: Rupert Goold, Richard Eyre, Thea Sharrock



Emily Pontin


4/5 stars





The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel DVD Review




With an all star British cast including Dame Judi Dench (007 Movies, Shakespeare in Love), Dame Maggie Smith (Downton Abbey), Penelope Wilton (Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice) and Bill Nighy (Love Actually, Pirates of the Caribbean) The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel follows seven characters who all visit India and stay in `The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel` owned by Dev Patel`s (Slumdog Millionare) character Sonny who took over the run down hotel from his father.


At the start of the film the audience get an insight into the lives of Evelyn (Dame Judi Dench) who we find out lost her husband to a heart attack, Graham (Tom Wilkinson) a judge who the audience later finds out is gay, Doug and Jean (Billy Nighy and Penelope Wilton) a married couple who invested in their daughters business, Muriel (Dame Maggie Smith) who travels to India to have an operation on her hip, Norman (Ronald Pickup)who starts of speed dating and Madge(Celia Imrie)who seeks to find another husband. These seven witty characters all meet at the airport not knowing that they are all going to India and infact staying at the same hotel- the best exotic marigold hotel-for the elderly and beautiful.



The film is told through Evelyn and the blog she writes of her time in India.


Throughout the film each character discovers themselves and realises that you never know what might happen, everything will be alright in the end and to look to the future and forget about the past.


All in all The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a fun filled, quirky film featuring its fair share of funny remarks from none other than Muriel’s character, Dame Maggie Smith.


A colourful film for all the family!


Rating: 12A


UK Release Date: 25th June 2012


Cast: Dame Maggie Smith, Dame Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton


Directed by: John Madden



Rating: 3 out of 5 stars










Take this Waltz

Take this Waltz: DVD Review

From Academy Award nominated director Sarah Polley and featuring an all star cast including Academy Award winner Michelle Williams (My Week with Marilyn, Blue Valentine), Seth Rogan (Knocked Up, Stepbrothers) and Luke Kirby (Mambo Italiano, Fury) comes Take This Waltz.


The story follows Margot (Michelle Williams), a freelance writer who is happily married to Lou (Seth Rogan), a cookbook writer.


Whilst on a business trip, Margot meets Daniel (Luke Kirby) and an immediate chemistry is formed between the two, even more so when she finds out that Daniel has just moved in across the street. Throughout the Toronto summer both Margot and Daniel share moments and encounters heightening their relationship. One scene which stands out is the scene in which Margot and Daniel spend the day together and ride the waltzer in a run down room, in the dark, accompanied by the song `Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles`


Although the film starts slow, which is no surprise with it being an indie film, it soon progresses as the story pans out and we get to know more about the characters and relationships of both Margot and Lou and Margot and Daniel.


Set against the backdrop of Toronto in the summer, it’s a film filled with colour and beautiful backdrops and scenery, one scene that stands out in particular is the scene in which Margot dreams about kissing Daniel infront of a lighthouse. The scene is full of


colour, the streams of sunlight contrasting the blue of the sea and the white and red of the lighthouse.


Michelle Williams gives a believable performance of a happily married woman facing the challenge of having feelings for another. Luke Kirby adds brilliantly to the cast, as does Seth Rogan, surprisingly. Famous mainly for his comedic roles in Knocked Up and Step Brothers it was nice to see him come out of his comfort zone in a more serious role.


Rating: 15


UK Release Date: 7th January 2013


Cast: Michelle Williams, Seth Rogan, Luke Kirby


Directed by: Sarah Polley





Emily Pontin




Now is Good

Now is Good-DVD Review


















Filmed on location in Burnham Beaches in Buckinghamshire and starring an all star English cast including Dakota Fanning (The Twilight Saga, Charlotte`s Webb), Jeremy Irvine (War Horse, Great Expectations), Olivia Williams (An Education, Peter Pan), Rose Leslie (Downton Abbey, Games of Thrones) and Paddy Considine (Hot Fuzz, Cinderella Man), `Now is Good` tells the story of Tessa (Dakota Fanning) a seventeen year old girl diagnosed with leukaemia.


Now, I know what you’re thinking this is another one of those girly chick flick predictable tearjerkers where it’s obvious that the main character is going to die. Yes, even though that’s true, it is approached in a completely different way.


How? I hear you asking. Well, instead of the film being centered around the concept of cancer, even though that still plays a huge part, the film mainly focuses on Tessa’s journey in fulfilling her life to the full.


We, as an audience follow her in her adventure as she crosses the things she wants to do before she passes off her bucket list. Things such as loosing her virginity, shoplifting and taking drugs. She is helped along the way with her best friend Zoey (Kaya Scodelario) and her neighbour, Adam (Jeremy Irvine) whom she falls in love.


Dakota Fanning gives an exceptional performance as Tessa and it was nice to see Jeremy Irvine and Rose Leslie in different roles compare to those in War Horse and Downton Abbey.


A heartfelt film about falling in love and living your life to the full.



Rating: 12A


UK Release Date: 21st January 2013


Cast: Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Olivia Williams, Rose Leslie, Paddy Considine, Kaya Scodelario


Directed by: Ol Parker




Rating: 3 out of 5 stars