Thursday 14 February 2013

Pre Valentines. Moving House & Moulin Rouge

Sorry for not posting yesterday I found I got so caught up with writing both Love Rekindled and Moving House that I lost track of time to post before my friend came round with her baby and was too tired by the time it came to even thinking about logging on and posting.

On the upside Chapter 10 is up of Moving House and you get another post today too as I didnt post yesterday. Tomorrow`s post(or today`s later post) will likely be about my love for Moulin Rouge so please excuse that.

For now I`m going to see if I can write another chapter of both fanfics before enjoying my valentines afternoon with Ewan McGregor and Ben and Jerry`s. Oh and Becky ofcourse!

Until later



Tuesday 12 February 2013

Reading,BAFTAs and Tom Hiddleston Fanbook.

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. Not alot to report in the writing department but I did start the second in the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick a few days ago and am currently on chapter 13.

I`m not sure if I mentioned if I was going to the British Academy Film Awards on Sunday but I did. Here`s the post:


Okay then so here`s the full account of the day at the British Academy Film Awards on Sunday 10th February 2013.

After much anticipation of not knowing whether I was going or not going my friend Becky text me Friday night saying she could maybe go and would if it didn`t snow. We started to arrange it that night not knowing for definate what was happening. She asked if she could sleep the next night if she was going and ofcourse I said yesterday.

Still not know what I was doing me and mum went to Folkestone on the Saturday just to get of the house. Bad move because I yet again ended up by buying more clothes I couldn`t afford. A new navy blue skirt, a white blowse and new dress to wear to the Ritz for mums birthday(I now have a few choices, not that I need them.) Anyway Becky text me half way through shopping saying that she was going and asked what time to come round. I replied back letting her know that she could come round anytime and decided between 5 and 6.(She ended up texting me about 5 saying she`ll be at the station for 7).

Me and mum went into Asda and got pizza for dinner and came home. At half 6 I got the last bus down town to the station to meet her. I met her, we came home and had a chilled evening listening to music on Youtube and reading each others writing. We didn`t get to sleep till about 2:30 and we had to be up at 5:30 to get the 7 o clock train.

With three hours sleep we got up and dressed in record time which let me tell you was an effort, and got on the train to London. On the way I text my friend Hannah who I met on Twitter at the Salmon Fishing premiere as she was also going aswell as my friend Laura, who I also met on Twitter and who is a fellow Tom Hiddleston Fan.

We arrived at Charing Cross at 9am greeted by Laura and her fiancee, James and the rain. It was nice to meet a fellow Hiddlestoner in person, someone who understood my love for Tom Hiddleston. We spent most of the day fangirling about how amazing he was and how excited we were to possibly meet or get a glimpse of him.

We walked along to Covent Garden and the Theatre Royal Theatre were Shrek was being performed to collect our wristbands.

Hannah and her sister Rosie had just arrived so we all caught up and chatted about who we were most excited to see. We recieved our wristbands around 10:30. The first thing we done? Took pictures of them as evidence to prove to everyone that we were close to getting a glimpse of some of the most famous celebrities.

We then went into Starbucks, the meeting and waiting place it would have seemed for everyone waiting to go to the BAFTA red carpet. As there weren`t any seats we ordered our drinks and went downstairs to find a table and ended up sitting across from a few fellow hiddlestoners and girls who went last year. We ended up sitting and talking about Tom Hiddleston,Project Wendy and who they saw last year for the few hours we were in there which was great fun.

At around 12 we made our way back to the theatre where we had to wait to get in the press pens. The que was so long and the rain was getting harder as the day went on.

I text my Hiddlestoner friend, Dani whilst I was in the que waiting to ask her to let the Hiddlestoners group on Facebook know that me and Laura were there. They all sent luck and good luck wishes which was really sweet. We were also stood behind some girls who started singing songs from Les Mis. It was so hard not to join in! I later found out I knew them from Twitter.

We got into the pen around 1 and yet more waiting began! We were right behind the camera tent whcih didn`t help and turned out to be quite embarrising when we found out that we could be seen and heard on the Facebook livestream.

The rain continued to pour snd the snow began. It was then that I doubted whether it was really going to be worth it or not. Laura kept me occupied by starting a game of The Hiddleson Alphabet and it was fun to watch all the people on the carpet.

Time passed and the snow started! By 4:30 we were bored and just wanted it all to begin. We didn`t have to wait much longer as at 5pm everyone started to arrive. I was quite annoyed that I couldnt see and thought of leaving and that it really wasnt worth it.

Tom then arrived and ofcourse the hiddlestoners in our little sector began to freak out, including myself. Me and Laura exchanged an Oh my god, its Tom Hiddleston, hes actually here! He slowly worked his way along the carpet greeting fans and posing for photos. It was so amazing just to see someone you admire in the flesh! I got a few good pictures before he made his way up the carpet and everyone else started to arrive, Anne Hathaway,George Clooney and Hugh Jackman to name a few.
Tom then made his way back down the carpet to hug Eddie Redymane who he went to Eton with and greeted more fans, signing more things and taking photos. He came back up to our section allowing me to get some more great photos of both him and his publicist, Luke (who I got an email from last year regarding the fanbook) but unfortunately not close enough to speak or get a picture of him myself.

Laura did however get her phonecase of Loki signed which she was absolutely over the moon about! He then tweeted her last night saying he remembed it which is pretty awesome! She left after that whilst myself,Hannah and Becky stayed and watched the celebrities arriving. I got in a bit closer and got a few more decent shots and met a few more hiddlestoners who I showed my video message that my friend Sean got Tom to do for me. More fangirling commenced!

Sarah Jessica Parker, Ben Whishaw and other celebrities arrived although I didn`t get many photos as the rain and snow had gotten worse.

When the carpet has finished myself,Becky,Hannah and Rosie had a quick bite in Nandos before going our seperate ways as we needed to get home due to the snow being pretty bad in Dover.
We caught the 8:10 train back home where I sat and uploaded my photos from the day to Facebook. One of the great things about my new camera and arrived back home a few hours later.
I arrived home to some absolutely lovely tweets and facebook messages from all the fellow hiddlestoners letting me know how happy they were for me which was really nice.

Despite the cold,rain and snow it turned out to be a good day and worth it. It was nice seeing Hannah again and meeting a fellow hiddlestoner in person and getting to see Tom Hiddleston and some great photos despite the fact we couldn't see much was the icing on the cake! Hopefully i`ll get my chance to actually meet him when I give him the fanbook in March!

`Why we love Tom Hiddleston` A Fanbook Update <3

Seeing Tom on Sunday made me even more determined to complete the book to the best of my ability. To see him smile and his appreciation.

The letters and things that are getting submitted for the Fanbook are truly incredible and beautiful. Just read a really sweet letter and it almost made me cry. I’m so proud to be part of this fandom and to be creating this Fanbook for our beloved idol and inspiration Thomas William Hiddleston. He is a true inspiration to us all and all your contributions I know he will truly love and know how much he is appreciated by us all. I just hope I get to give it him and finish it in time as to not let you all down because that would truly break my heart. I love you all so much. Thankyou so much for all the lovely messages regarding my pictures and time at the BAFTAs on Sunday it’s truly appreciated and I know that Tom will love the book just by how lovely this fandom is. I love this fandom so much. We’re not just a fandom. We’re a family. An army. Hiddles army.

I had a few more ideas for it so here`s an update:

As well as the following:
  • Pictures of Tom- As the background for the messages to be put over as he obviously knows what he looks like but i dont want to keep the pages white.So feel free to send me your favourite pictures so they can be included.
  • Messages from you fellow Hiddlestoners-About why you love him, how he has changed your life or inspired you or anything you want to say to him. (keept it clean)
  • Pages dedicated to each of Tom`s characters he has played-with messages about your favourite roles including John Plumptree, William Buxton,Magnus,Edward,Loki,F.Scott Fitzgerald,Freddie Page,Captain Nicholls,Henry V/Prince Hal
  • Fan Encounters-fan encounters from when he met fans in Detroit and Cologne or if anyone else has been lucky to meert him and wants their experience included.
  • Fan Art-drawings of tom or your favourite charatcers hes played
  • Edits-Edits of tom etc
  • Project Wendy-Your pictures of your versions of Project Wendy. Im aware that he has been sent a book with pictures of fellow fans supporting their wendy`s but this is for anyone who didnt take part in that project and would still like Tom to see their Wendy.
  • Pages dedicated to each of the social networking sites-including Facebook,Twitter, Tumblr and Yotube with links for the blogs,groups and videos dedicated to him that you would like him to see.
It will also include:
  • Pages with photos from his UNICEF trip-With messages for those who do volunteer work or who have been inspired to do vounteer work because of him
  • A page dedicated to Luke Windsor-Tom`s Publicist. Luke does so much for Tom and hes done a lot for us too so I think he deserves a page so we can show our inspiration for him.
  • Links to fanfictions-I wasnt going to include this but im thinking of including links to clean fanfictions some that he may like to read to show how he inspires us. I for one wouldnt be writing again if it wasnt for him.
  • Tom`s Tomato Soup-Inspired by last years BAFTAs where Tom bought the Empire journalist the Tomato Soup. Take pictures of yourself either holding the Tomato soup or with it in the background.
  • Things we love about Tom: I was scrolling through my archive the get pictutes for the book and came across posts I reblogged with things we like about Tom made by hiddlesgiggles who is going to send me all of the pictures so i can add them in.
  • Aswell as anything else you can think of. This is as much my fanbook as it is yours. I just came up with the idea and am handing it to him so anything else you think he might want to see feel free to let me know.
Deadlines for submissions is Sunday 17th March 2013 as i plan on giving the book to Tom at the Jameson Empire Awards on Sunday 24th March 2013 and that therefore gives me a week to put it all together.

I am also looking into making a PDF version of the book so you can all view the final product that will be given to Tom.

Messages should be no longer than an A4 page as its an A4 book and i wouldnt want it to take up more than one page as it would be a hassle for me. You can however submit up to 8 edits which will take up four pages of the book.

Contributions can be sent via:

Email: or with Tom Hiddleston
Fanbook in the subject

Facebook: Emily Pontin (i`m the one wearing the Wendy scarf)

Twitter: @PontinEmily or to the Twitter dedicated to the fanbook @Hiddleslovex
or via my Tumblr:

Thankyou darlings i look forward to your entries. Spread the word between fellow hiddlestoners, like and reblog so we can get as many fans involved as possible and prove how much we love Tom and thank him for being such an amazing person <3

That`s pretty much it really. No writing involved although hopefully it will pick up again soon.


Wednesday 6 February 2013

So much for a plan.

So much for a plan

So in yesterday`s post I said that I was going to see if I can write another chapter of my fanfiction and today I said that I was going to begin reading a new book. Neither of those went to plan.

Tips for Aspiring Writers

Yesterday instead of writing a new chapter I browsed writers blogs for tips for aspiring writers. Here were the results and some good blogs I suggest any aspiring writers have a look at:

Why we love Tom Hiddleston A Fanbook

Today I said I would begin the second in the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. That didn`t go to plan either. Instead I spent most of the day reading Tom Hiddleston fanfiction and saving pictures of him to my memory stick for the fanbook I`m making for him.

I made a fanbook for the cast of Downton Abbey last year which went down well with both the fand and cast members. Since it was so well recieved I thought I would create one for Tom too.

I came up with the idea back at the end of June and have since got 40 pages of a word document full of messages etc. That may seem like a lot to some people but I want to get more to show him how much he`s loved. I`m hoping that after Tom`s birthday on saturday that more people will be involved. So today I gathered pictures and created a Twitter page for it. @Hiddleslovex so for those interested in the fanbook idea you can contact me on there or on my personal Twitter @PontinEmily.

Heres the post about it which i plan to update soon.

I wont set anymore plans from now on, i`m just going to go with the flow and see where it takes me.


Tuesday 5 February 2013

New Day,New Book,New Chapter.

New Day,New Book,New Chapter.

Why that title for today`s blog post you may be asking? Because it`s exactly does exactly as it says on the tin. Oh, here we go another reference, a Tom Hiddleston interview reference to be precise. Now, I know what you`re thinking, this a writing blog, not a blog dedicated to one Tom Hiddleston. I`m aware, but hear me out.

There`s an interview where an interviewer asks Tom what the first thing he had on his ipod. His reply `Will Smith, Shakira? Shakira Hips Don`t Lie`. The interviewer then says Hips Do Not Lie. Tom`s reply `It`s true, they don`t. Let me tell you, Hips Do Not Lie, they do exactly as they say on the tin.` And now you`re either wondering how in heavens name does that relate to the post or `ooh i really want to check out that interview`.

To explain the first, this post is going to explain exactly as it says. The second, the link is below. Enjoy.

New Book:

For those who have been following this blog will know that a few days ago I started the sequel to Ali McNamara`s `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually`-`From Notting Hill to New York..Actually` which I finished just a few minutes ago. It was so cute the way it ended. I have to admit however, that I prefer the first in the series. It may be because I`ve seen and know more British movies set in London than I do American movies set in New York. It has however given more sightseeing spots to add to my list for when I visit New York.

Tomorrow, or later I shall start on the second in the `Hush Hush` series `Crescendo` by Becca Fitzpatrick and go back and catch up with Nora and Patch. Shall keep you posted.

A New Chapter:

A few days ago I mentioned that I emailed my friend and fellow Hiddlestoner, Karen, my fanfiction, Love Rekindled to beta and give me some advice on. She emailed me the prologue back yesterday and I got an email back from her this morning giving me some advice on the chapter I wanted help with which I found very helpful and made me think where I want the story to go.

She also put it back into perspective that it`s my story and I`m writing it firstly for myself so it`s entirely up to me where I want it to go. I think I forgot that so i`m looking forward to seeing where I take it.

I`m now off to see if I can write that chapter and see where it goes.

Wish me luck.



Monday 4 February 2013

`From Notting Hill to New York...Actually, Love Rekindled and `Said`

`From Notting Hill to New York Actually`-An Update

Those who have been keeping track of my blog will know that I recently started the second in the series of `From Notting Hill` book series by Ali McNamara. I recently read another few chapters and am now on chapter 12. I don`t know what it is but there`s something about books, like films that can`t beat the orginal book. I`ll keep reading as it`s starting to get really good, what with the reference to Breakfast at Tiffany`s and all. I had to say I got a bit excited when I read that as I`m a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn. I`m looking forward to seeing what other film references I recognise and how the story progresses.

Love Rekindled

Ok, so in yesterday`s post I mentioned that I had sent my friend Karen my fanfiction,Love Rekindled for her to look at and check and beta for spelling and suggestions etc. There was a certain chapter I wanted help with which she hasn`t got to yet as she only edited the prologue but I feel a bit better knowing that someone else is checking it over.

The way she highlighed spelling mistakes,made sure sentences flowed etc was really helpful. I did notice however that I use the word `said` quite alot. I`ve always had this problem, even in school my english teachers would write `use a different alternative to the word said`. I think it`s about time I took this into consideration, especially if I want to be a journalist and author, I need to start using a better vocabulary.

With this being the case I`m still going to keep the orginal post I posted about Love Rekindled on here but create a new post with the updated and beta`d version too.

That`s pretty much it for today I think, well writing and reading wise anyway.

Emily <3

Sunday 3 February 2013

Fanfiction and a Victoria Sponge

And my writing streak is back..well for now anyway. Lets hope it stays. It seems Pixie has sprinkled her pixie dust.


For those who have been reading my fanfictions you will be pleased to know that the next few chapters will be with you soon.

Love Rekindled:

Chapters 6,7 and 11 have been started on Love Rekindled and the rest of the chapter outlines are typed up. Out of order I know but for some reason chapter 11 came to mind this morning. There`s a scene, well chapter that has been bugging me about how I want it written so I`ve asked my friend Karen to be my beta for those chapters and point me in the right direction of how to write it. Should hopefully here back from her soon then the story can continue and the post will be updates.

Moving House:

I`d taken a break from Moving House to work out where I wanted it to go in my head. The outline was and has been written for a while as that was the first fanfiction I wrote I just decided to take a break from it to see if any ideas had changed. It wasn`t until I got a message on Wattpad this afternoon saying how good it was and that it needed to be updated that I remembered it. Not remembered, that`s not the right word but i`d pushed it to the back of my mind as Love Rekindled had kind of taken over for a while. Now I`m back on track with it however, I can spend more time on Moving House. I`m currently writing chapter 10.

The One Shots:

I also have a few prompts from fans that want stories and one shots written which I shall get to as soon as I can. Got some good ideas for them I have to admit.

Shepherds Pie and a Victoria Sponge:

Although my dad`s birthday was yesterday he came round and celebrated it with us this afternoon. Nothing special just a Shepherds Pie and Victoria Sponge. Easily pleased. As you can see I got a bit carried away with my new camera taking more than enough pictures. What can I say I love it.





Lets hope this writing streak continues.

Emily <3

Reading,Shopping and trying to write.

Okay so here`s yesterday`s post- sorry it wasn`t posted. For some reason my writing didn`t seem to flow yesterday(not sure if it flows that much today either, but anyway) I blame my braces. Again not very much to do with writing but here`s the post for yesterday (02/02/13).

So many books..which to start with?

So I finally decided on what book to start with out of my new collection I bought yesterday. The second in the series of books by Ali McNamara `From Notting Hill to New York..Actually` the sequel to `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually`. I started it last night and come this morning I`m on chapter eight. Not doing half as well as when I read `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually` as I read that in a day, but it`s still good, I guess I just want to enjoy this one. Hopefully it picks up soon.

After finishing up to chapter eight of my book me and mum had some lunch(well, tomato soup if you can call it lunch. Stupid braces) before getting ready and going to town to get dads birthday present.

It took me a while to get dressed as I tried on a few of my new clothes, a 50s pink spotted skirt, pink sun top and leather jacket and sailor skirt with my blue blazer which I bought last year from Topshop and still haven`t worn as I needed a top to go with it and that was what I was on the hunt to buy.

A dress for a Fiver. Bargain!

You can never go wrong with a bargain. Especially a dress from Dorothy Perkins that was in the sale for a fiver. Now for those who know me you`ll probably be asking yourself why does she need another dress when she already has god knows how many in her wardrobe. I asked myself the exact same question, believe me, but I thought I couldn`t go wrong with it and couldn`t exactly leave it there for five pound, especially as it will come in handy for a uni interview etc.

A Pair of Blue Navy Shoes,Wendy and The Ritz

After browsing and buying the new dress we went into New Look as the previous day I tried on a nice flowy top I thought would go nice with my new skirt and I wanted her opinion before I bought it with my voucher I got for Christmas(thanks nanny).

Mum said it looked nice and was just the right colour so I bought it, along with a pair of `Wendy Socks`(for those non hiddlestoners who don`t get the reference I shall explain in a moment). We then went into Peacocks where I bought a pair of navy blue wedges to go with my outfit as were going for Tea at the Ritz for mums 50th and a Wendy scarf.

Wendy. Right then I know what you`re thinking who or what the hell is a Wendy. Wendy is a moustache. How silly to name a moustache Wendy you`re thinking? These videos will hopefully help explain it.

MTV After Hours With Josh Horowitz and Tom Hiddleston

MTV After Hours with Josh Horowitz: Loki`d The Outtakes:

Now, whenever us hiddlestoners see a `Wendy` we think of Tom and now you can see why. We also get excited when we see merchandise with a `Wendy` on. I now proudly own a t shirt, jumper, a pair of socks and scarf with the trademark on.

Trying to write

After coming back from town and trying on my new clothes I tried to write. Ooh and now the line in Moulin Rouge has come in my head. `As the celebrations raged upstairs I tried to write, but all I could think about was her. Was she thinking about me?` My life ladies and gentleman. This is how my brain and mind works. If I write something or even if I dont I have random film quote that decide to pop into my head and that was one of them. I apologise.

Anyway. I tried to write, writing out what was in my head for a few more fanfiction ideas based on prompts. Reading it back it sounded rubbish and I just could`nt get into the right frame of mind.Nothing sounded right or flowed-even this blog post didn`t(i`m still not sure it does, but anyway).

I got quite upset and annoyed. I hate when I have a good day and it automatically turns bad. I was fine when I was in town and then I come back and bam my braces start being a pain again. It gets me down so much. Anyway I ended up watching Midnight in Paris because even though Tom wasn`tb in it alot he still managed to cheer me up.

Anyway that was yesterday`s day and post. Sorry if it isn`t relevant. Will hopefully write tomorrow-or today as i`m posting this today.


Friday 1 February 2013

A New Year A New Notebook(well two and a new pen)

A New Year A New Notebook(well two and a new pen)

You may be asking why the title of this post is titled `A New Year` when were already in February 2013. Well, for my family we say our New Year begins on February 1st. The reason for this you may be asking? In January 2001 we lost a beloved member of our family. An auntie, a sister and daughter. My lovely and incredible auntie, Lorna.

Mum said, growing up I used to argue with her like a siter. I remember when I was six, she took me to go and see Steps, one of my favourite bands growing up. She also bought me a toy cow which I used to take with me everywhere which I still believe I have tucked away somewhere amongst my many soft toys(there`s a few, believe me).

But yeah,I wont go into any more detail than that. Since her death, more than 10 years ago, for some reason we have always celebrated our New Year on the 1st February as it never seemed right to celebrate it in January when she was no longer with us. It also seemed right as my dad`s birthday is the 2nd Feb(tomorrow) which means mine follows exactly two months afterwards. Woo!

Nineteen. Wow, where has this year gone? It doesn`t seem possible to say that I`m almost nineteen or that it was almost a year ago since I got my braces fitted three weeks before my 18th movie themed birthday party. As you can probably tell from my profile picture I dressed up as one of Hollywood`s famous icons. One who went by the name of Miss Audrey Katheleen Hepburn(who I also share a middle name with. Pretty cool, huh?)

New Notebooks

Anyway, in celebration of the `New Year` I bought myself two fresh new notebooks so I could sepearate my articles, stories and fanfictions into two different notebooks rather than having them all over the place in the notebook I use now. That way I now have four sepearate notebooks. One for research which will contain character descriptions and research for stories. One for my articles and reviews for `The People`s Movie`s. One for my fanfictions and stories. Plus the one that`s all jumbled for anything else I can think of. That way I`m more organised and everything is in order rather than having to go all the way through the notebook to find a certain piece of writing or idea.

Photo: Woo love buying new notebooks and pens <3

A Love of Books

I also saw my friend Becky(an aspiring author,like myself) who lent me the second and third books in the `Hush Hush` triology by which I posted about in a previous post last week titled `NTAs,Uni Life and Les Mis` which I can`t wait to get stuck into.

We spent the afternoon catching up and having lunch in `The Eight Bells` before going into WHSmiths and The Works where I bought two more books which I didn`t need. `Something From Tiffany`s (that speaks for itself by the post and photos above) and `Breakfast at Darcy`s` the second book by Ali McNamara.

When I got home I also found out that the sequel to `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually` `From Notting Hill to New York..Actually` also by Ali McNamara had arrived. Now I have the decision of deciding which to read first. Decisions Decisions.

Photo: Which to start with <3

That`s pretty much it for today, not alot to tell really. I shall now spend my time transferring everything over to the required notebook and deciding which book I want to read first. Exciting Stuff!

Ciao for now.

Emily <3

Not Alot to Tell-January 31st

Not Alot to Tell

Sorry I didn`t post yesterday I didnt really think there was alot to tell. Not writing wise anyway. For those interested however, i`ll fill you in on what I did yesterday before writing up today`s post.

Okay so Thursday 31st January. Wow that months gone quick!

Twitter, Tumblr and the Orthodondist

My morning was spent on my ipod browsing Twitter and Tumblr and reading Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction, like most days. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I then had an othodontist appointment mid morning at 11:45. As mum was off work she came with me and waited in the waiting room. We arrived 5 minutes late for the appointment(which is unusual for me, i`m never late for anything, usually the opposite and 10 minutes early) after leaving half an hour before and just getting there in time to realise we`d been following the wrong signs as the orthodonist clinic had moved(again!).

When we finally got there, there was only one girl before me before I got called in. Not bad considering I was a few minutes late. Now I prepared myself for the worst as I`m usually one to get moaned at for not cleaning my teeth properly. Today, was an expection. For once she actually seemed happy with my progress and `as though it was a new mouth` which I was shocked at but am certainly not complaning about.

After enduring the pain of my braces being tightened and my brackets being changed(I now have purple brackets) we took the long walk back home. The hospital is much further than you would think. When driving it doesn`t seem so bad, but walking oh geez. It takes forever. Okay, that`s a slight exageration it maybe takes about half an hour but yeah, still quite a long way.

Show Me How You Burlesque

Once we got home me and mum spent the afternoon watching the film Burlesque starring Christian Aguliam,Cher, Kristen Bell and Stanley Tucci. Although I had already seen it I watched it again as mum hadn`t.

The music made the film. Especially with it starring Christian Agulia and we all know she has some pipes! The

The only thing that annoyed me about it is that it was really obvious that they were miming. It didn`t really bother me the first time I watched it as I didn`t really notice it but I think since watching Les Mis and knowing that they sung live you can really tell the difference. I mean I`m not sure if it was meant to be that obvious that they were miming with the fact the film was set in a Burlesque club in LA(hence the film title) and them being required to dance and put on routines I don`t know.

You Learn Something New Everyday!

But yeah. We watched that and then I read a few chapters of `The Paris Wife` before going onto the computer to read and look at a few more writing blogs.

I then typed into Google `Local Authors in Kent` just out of interest to see what came up. Numerous results showed up, some of which I wrote down, researched and now follow on Twitter and who I`m thinking about Tweeting to see if they have any advice or if I can shadow them in some way or another or get some advice and tips.

Whilst searching and browsing it seemed that the towns of Canterbury and Broadstairs were used quite alot. It`s interesting and ironic to know that authors use local towns that you know, live near and have browsed so many times before.

I also found out that the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury is named after playwright Christopher Marlowe, that Ian Flemming author of James Bond and Charles Dickens of classics such as A Christmas Carol and Great Expectations both described The White Cliff`s of Dover in a few of their stories.

You Learn Something New Everyday!

Emily <3