Tuesday 29 January 2013

Revisiting Old Ideas

Revisiting Old Ideas:


I find I read quite a lot of books and different pieces of writing, watch alot of films and write lots of different things.

My most recent writing ideas being those around the actor Tom Hiddleston-fanfiction.

I have great fun writing them don`t get me wrong and am in the middle of working on two chapter multichapter stories both of which I posted yesterday-well what I have so far anyway.

Moving House-A story based on a dream about one of my old school friends moving house. The main character(based on myself) meeting Tom through her friend Amy who she has known for years and who at the time the story is set is Moving House, hence the title of the story. The main character, Emily(yes, i know a little cliche to name a character after yourself but sometimes it`s easier. The miracle of editing and rewriting is that you can go back and rename characters afterwards.) Anyway Emily meets Tom during this time and they form a relationship.

Love Rekindled-Based on Tom being reunited with his first love, Sophie at the premiere of Thor 2 where she is a journalist and she has to interview him. The story goes back in time between September 2001 where they met at university to the present day and how their relationship is reformed and their Love Rekindled.

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Research-New Notebook

I have also found recently that my notebook I use for my writing has turned into a bit of a jumble with nothing being in order. It`s a load of notes,ideas,stories and reviews all in different places within the book.

My mum bought me a new notebook for Christmas with a note which read `Use Wisely` on the front.

I feel with it being a New Year that it will be used purely for research purposes as my notebook I had been using had random notes about places and things I wanted to feature in my Moving House fanfiction. Wedding venues for Amy`s wedding, outfit ideas for each character, outlines of where I want the story to go etc.

These ideas and character descriptions I wrote in my previous notebook have now been transferred over.

A few years back I also got given an Audrey Hepburn Notebook which for some reason I haven`t used, probably because it`s too pretty and special to be written in. I think now it`s time for it to be bought out and used to write my film reviews for `The People`s Movies` blog I write for.

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Revisiting Old Ideas

Okay so now the reason for this post really. Whilst in college I was set the assignment of writing, recording and editing my very own Radio Play. For some reason the idea of a play being set based around an affair or in the era of black and white movies or the 1920s really appealed to me. Maybe because I had recently spent most of my time watching films such as The End of the Affair and The English Patient. Blame Ralph Fiennes. I went through a phase, still going through it if i`m completely honest, even if he is old enough to be my dad. I`m not the only one who goes for older actor it seems, just check with any fangirl of Tom Hiddleston, James McAvoy or any other English gent. We`ll hopefully all tell you the same and admit it. I hope.

Anway- back to the topic in hand here. Sorry I tend to babble and write a load of nonsence so if you don`t read to the end of this post because you got bored of my drabbles and ramblings about Ralph Fieness and Tom Hiddleston when really this is a blog for my writing, I sincerely apologise.

So my tutor for this particular unit, Nick Day called us up one by one to discuss our ideas. I told him I was fascinated with and enjoyed black and white movies and had the idea of basing a play around an affair or something along those lines, I can`t remember my exact ideas but anyway he said they were good and if I wanted to get the idea of the language I needed to watch a film called `Brief Encounter`. At the time I knew nothing about it and now I wonder why the hell not, it`s now one of my favourite movies. He told me a bit about it, giving me a basic plot outline and after that chat I got straight to work and by the end of that less I had a basic synopsis, character profiles and beginnings of a script, which I thought was pretty good.

Nick thought different however and when I next had that lesson I came out of it a bit annoyed and upset as he pretty much scribbled all over it with different suggestions as though he wanted to write it. Looking back now however, I can see why he did it as it improved with every lesson forming into a real radio script layout with sound effects etc.

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Creative Writing Course

Also during this time on the Wednesday`s of my day off from college I enrolled on a five week creative writing course down Dover Library. They were a great five weeks spent with different people of all different ages. In those five weeks I was inspired and enjoyed listening to all the different stories that were told. An interesting bunch of people who I miss.

During this five week course we were set the task of writing a five minute play to be performed by local actors at the end of the course. I went along with the same ideas I had for my college assignment. They again suggested that I needed to watch Brief Encounter to discover the difference in language etc.

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Brief Encounter

That weekend, whilst in Folkestone browsing HMV(one of my favourite shops) I stumbled upon a copy of the film Brief Encounter starring Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard for only £5. I bought it to see what all the fuss was about, boy am I glad I did. It`s such a great film. Those of you who moan about black and white movies and how they don`t compare to films nowadays should just give it a try. Hopefully you won`t be dissapointed, if you are then I`ll take full blame.

For those who don`t know Brief Encounter is black and white film starring Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard about two characters who meet in a train station cafe. Both are married but they meet every Thursday and go to the cinema before getting on the train back to their family.

Once I watched it, it was then that the final idea clicked. Before watching it my mind was all over the place with ideas about where to go with etc. After watching it however, the idea came to me. Why not base the play on a girl at college who is obsessed and in love with black and white movies, especially Brief Encounter, Casablanca and those of Audrey Hepburn who has her own `Brief Encounter` with a boy she meets at a train station? There`s the idea. Now to expand.

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The Meeting, A Sequel and A Dream

I expanded it by basing it on myself, yet again(I tend to do that alot) and my college friends, Hannah and Lucy. A typical story of time at college with the twist of the romance at a railway station. Since beginning the radio play it has since been turned into the beginnings of a screenplay and a story.

At the moment it is being focused on as a story however I had the idea of writing a sequel to it called `A Dream` which I also posted the beginnings of yesterday where Emily and her friend Lucy go to New York. At the end of The Meeting, Michael, the boy in the story who Emily has a relationship with, gets back together with his girlfriend Sarah leaving Emily alone and heartbroken.

A while ago I wrote the idea for a sequel before I came up with the idea of `A Dream` about Emily discovering she was pregnant with Michael`s child and her decision of choosing between whether or not to keep the baby or go to university and have a career like she orginally planned.

Then came the idea for `A Dream` which was orginally meant to just be about Emily and Lucy`s adventure to New York and the trip they had been planning for years but then I thought that I could encorporate Michael into the story and make it into a triolgy of stories or books whatever you want to call them by Lucy setting up with Michael`s friend Mark for all four of them to all be in New York at the same time and meet up outside Tiffany`s to see if they can make their relationship work.

What do you all think of these ideas? Let me know and stay tuned to find out more and see where it goes.

Sorry for all the drabbles and random post about my writing. Sorry if I have bored you I just had to get these words down and I thought why not write a post about it. Anyway feel free to get back to what you were doing before you read or stumbled upon this blog or post.




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