Sunday 3 February 2013

Reading,Shopping and trying to write.

Okay so here`s yesterday`s post- sorry it wasn`t posted. For some reason my writing didn`t seem to flow yesterday(not sure if it flows that much today either, but anyway) I blame my braces. Again not very much to do with writing but here`s the post for yesterday (02/02/13).

So many books..which to start with?

So I finally decided on what book to start with out of my new collection I bought yesterday. The second in the series of books by Ali McNamara `From Notting Hill to New York..Actually` the sequel to `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually`. I started it last night and come this morning I`m on chapter eight. Not doing half as well as when I read `From Notting Hill with Love..Actually` as I read that in a day, but it`s still good, I guess I just want to enjoy this one. Hopefully it picks up soon.

After finishing up to chapter eight of my book me and mum had some lunch(well, tomato soup if you can call it lunch. Stupid braces) before getting ready and going to town to get dads birthday present.

It took me a while to get dressed as I tried on a few of my new clothes, a 50s pink spotted skirt, pink sun top and leather jacket and sailor skirt with my blue blazer which I bought last year from Topshop and still haven`t worn as I needed a top to go with it and that was what I was on the hunt to buy.

A dress for a Fiver. Bargain!

You can never go wrong with a bargain. Especially a dress from Dorothy Perkins that was in the sale for a fiver. Now for those who know me you`ll probably be asking yourself why does she need another dress when she already has god knows how many in her wardrobe. I asked myself the exact same question, believe me, but I thought I couldn`t go wrong with it and couldn`t exactly leave it there for five pound, especially as it will come in handy for a uni interview etc.

A Pair of Blue Navy Shoes,Wendy and The Ritz

After browsing and buying the new dress we went into New Look as the previous day I tried on a nice flowy top I thought would go nice with my new skirt and I wanted her opinion before I bought it with my voucher I got for Christmas(thanks nanny).

Mum said it looked nice and was just the right colour so I bought it, along with a pair of `Wendy Socks`(for those non hiddlestoners who don`t get the reference I shall explain in a moment). We then went into Peacocks where I bought a pair of navy blue wedges to go with my outfit as were going for Tea at the Ritz for mums 50th and a Wendy scarf.

Wendy. Right then I know what you`re thinking who or what the hell is a Wendy. Wendy is a moustache. How silly to name a moustache Wendy you`re thinking? These videos will hopefully help explain it.

MTV After Hours With Josh Horowitz and Tom Hiddleston

MTV After Hours with Josh Horowitz: Loki`d The Outtakes:

Now, whenever us hiddlestoners see a `Wendy` we think of Tom and now you can see why. We also get excited when we see merchandise with a `Wendy` on. I now proudly own a t shirt, jumper, a pair of socks and scarf with the trademark on.

Trying to write

After coming back from town and trying on my new clothes I tried to write. Ooh and now the line in Moulin Rouge has come in my head. `As the celebrations raged upstairs I tried to write, but all I could think about was her. Was she thinking about me?` My life ladies and gentleman. This is how my brain and mind works. If I write something or even if I dont I have random film quote that decide to pop into my head and that was one of them. I apologise.

Anyway. I tried to write, writing out what was in my head for a few more fanfiction ideas based on prompts. Reading it back it sounded rubbish and I just could`nt get into the right frame of mind.Nothing sounded right or flowed-even this blog post didn`t(i`m still not sure it does, but anyway).

I got quite upset and annoyed. I hate when I have a good day and it automatically turns bad. I was fine when I was in town and then I come back and bam my braces start being a pain again. It gets me down so much. Anyway I ended up watching Midnight in Paris because even though Tom wasn`tb in it alot he still managed to cheer me up.

Anyway that was yesterday`s day and post. Sorry if it isn`t relevant. Will hopefully write tomorrow-or today as i`m posting this today.


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