Wednesday 6 February 2013

So much for a plan.

So much for a plan

So in yesterday`s post I said that I was going to see if I can write another chapter of my fanfiction and today I said that I was going to begin reading a new book. Neither of those went to plan.

Tips for Aspiring Writers

Yesterday instead of writing a new chapter I browsed writers blogs for tips for aspiring writers. Here were the results and some good blogs I suggest any aspiring writers have a look at:

Why we love Tom Hiddleston A Fanbook

Today I said I would begin the second in the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. That didn`t go to plan either. Instead I spent most of the day reading Tom Hiddleston fanfiction and saving pictures of him to my memory stick for the fanbook I`m making for him.

I made a fanbook for the cast of Downton Abbey last year which went down well with both the fand and cast members. Since it was so well recieved I thought I would create one for Tom too.

I came up with the idea back at the end of June and have since got 40 pages of a word document full of messages etc. That may seem like a lot to some people but I want to get more to show him how much he`s loved. I`m hoping that after Tom`s birthday on saturday that more people will be involved. So today I gathered pictures and created a Twitter page for it. @Hiddleslovex so for those interested in the fanbook idea you can contact me on there or on my personal Twitter @PontinEmily.

Heres the post about it which i plan to update soon.

I wont set anymore plans from now on, i`m just going to go with the flow and see where it takes me.


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